April 29th Update from Mr. Borkowski

CCS Families,

It is hard to believe that we are now a month out of Spring Break! As far as I can tell and have heard from families, things are going as well as possible with online learning, although it is no substitute for the real thing. I want to thank everyone for their patience and hard work. Online learning has been an especially large burden for parents and teachers and I continue to be impressed by the positive attitude and perseverance I see in our community.

After School Art Club

This year our school operated an After School Art Club. The club provided an opportunity for kids to develop their art skills and a place for kids to work and learn while waiting for their parents to finish up work. We are considering whether or not to run the club again next year, but we need to know how many families would be interested. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please email me by Friday to let me know.

Staying Connected

One way to stay connected as a community is to join in-class activities and watch school-wide videos. Some of these are listed below. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel to get notifications of new videos being added.

Daily Announcements “5 Minutes With” Interviews Storytime with Mr. Borkowski Spirit Week Videos

Getting Back to School

I do not have any insider information about when we will return to regular classes, but there is a chance we return this school year. Please pray for a safe and healthy return to classes, whenever that is!


Mr. Jason Borkowski
