Mr. Heah's Update: Monday, September 21, 2020

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

  1. A test message was sent out to all groups this morning on REMIND. If you did not receive the message, please ensure that you signed up using the instructions on my email from last week.

  2. As we approach rainy weather, please make sure that your child(ren) is prepared for the weather as the students will still be lining up outside and going outside for recess. In extreme conditions, we will change our plans. Please be reminded that for safety reasons we are not permitting students to have umbrellas at school. Please make sure that your child has a waterproof jacket with a hood, as well as boots on rainy days.

  3. Please refer to information sent home by your child(ren)’s teacher regarding the start of the Temporary Transition Plan. A reminder to parents that this is not the same program as you would have seen last spring (Hybrid learning model). Teachers have a class of students at school that they are providing instruction to, so they are limited to one hour of contact time a week. Parents need to give the school 1 week notice prior to the October 13 and November 16 return date (whichever date you choose.)

  4. The updated parent handbook is now updated on the school website. There were several updates made that have been approved by the PEC (ex- Uniform/ Appearance Policy), so please familiarize yourself with this important document. Any issues and concerns will be directed to this document for reference.

Thank you for your attention to these items, and for your ongoing support!

God bless,

C. Heah