Notice Sent Home to Parents Regarding Re-Registration


This week is the time to register your children for the upcoming school year!

Your oldest child will come home today with a salmon coloured paper with instructions on how to re-register your child online. Please have the instructions beside you when you sit down to re-register your child so that you can follow them step by step.

1.)  You do not need to fill out all the forms, only the ones applicable to you.

2.)  You only have to fill out the Occasional fee EFT form once, as the $50 fee is per family not per child.

3.)  If you have a new child coming into the school, kindergarten, you will need to fill out the new student registration form for that child.

4.)  Once you have changed your password store it along with the instruction form so that you will be able to access your child's account in the future. 

5.)  If you know that your child will not be coming back to our school next year, please email the school office and let them know that you will be withdrawing your child. 

The launch of our online registration/re-registration is not yet flawless. Hopefully, some of the flaws will get ironed out for next year but as it is now time to re-register we have what we have for now. 

Here are some of the things we have noticed:

1.)  If your emergency contact does not have both a cell phone and home phone you can not leave it blank so you will not be permitted to submit your registration, please put the same number for both cell phone and home phone. 

2.)  You do not have an option to select Grandparent, aunt, uncle etc. for the emergency contact relationship, just select emergency 1 and emergency 2.

3.)  If you would prefer to print the EFT form and attach a cheque to send to the office please feel free to do so. 

4.)  This may be hard to fill out on your phone. If you can, choose a quiet time to sit down on your laptop or PC so that you can concentrate and fill the form out correctly.